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Invitation to an open procedure for the supply of services of Surveillance and General Support (surveillance, cleaning, handling and porterage services) – CIG 808033468E

The Consulate General of Italy in London, hereinafter the “Client”, with the present invitation to bid, sets an open procedure for the selection of a “Contractor”, to whom entrust the supply of the above services according to the specifications set in the following points.

1.- Object and invitation to tender

1.1 The relations between the “Client” and the “Contractor” will be regulated by an agreement as per Attachment 1

1.2 The selected Economic Operator will execute the tasks as per Attachment 2

1.3 The estimated value of the contract to acquire, decided as tender budget, is of POUNDS STERLING 745,000.00 exclusive of GST for a 3 years contract.

The total amounts for each year are set as follows:

2020 – £ 220,000.00 ~ 2021 – £ 255,000.00 ~ 2022 – £ 270,000.00.

The tender budget is inclusive of £ 3,960.00 for safety costs, amount that is not subject to reduction in the bid.

2. – Referent

The Responsible Official in charge for the Consulate General of Italy in London (RUP) is Mr. Tony Mori.

3. – Requirements

3.1 The “Contractor” falling under one of the disqualifying reasons as per Attachment 3 will be excluded.

3.2 The absence of exclusion reasons can be attested by an affidavit sworn before the competent Authority as per model in Attachment 3. The Economic Operator authorizes the Consulate General to verify with the local Authorities the authenticity of the requirements declarations.

3.3 Mandatory inspection: the Economic Operator must make an inspection of the premises in order to submit his offer. The inspection can be arranged with the RUP at the following e-mail address: An inspection receipt will be released upon completion of survey.

4. – Award Criterion

The award criterion will be based on the most economically advantageous offer according to the following parameters: 70% for the technical offer – 30% for the economical offer, as calculated according to procedure outlined in Section 2 of Attachment 2.

The contract will be awarded even if only 1 (one) offer is received, provided it is deemed appropriate and convenient according to provisions of art. 97 c. 6 of the Code 50/2016

5. – Terms and presentation of the offer

5.1 The packet with the offers should be closed and sealed and should clearly mention on the external portion:

“DO NOT OPEN: Offer for the supply of surveillance and General Support services for the Consulate General of Italy in London – CIG 808033468E”,

Denomination of the Contractor, Registered office, address and contacts.

5.2 In order to be valid the packet should contain three envelopes, all sealed with adhesive tape and mentioning the tender subject, the denomination of the Contractor, the envelopes should mention on the external respectively:

– Envelope A (Administrative Documents)

– Envelope B (Technical Offer)

– Envelope C (Economic Offer)

5.3 The delivery of the packets is exclusively at the Contractor’s risk. Failure to deliver to the place, by the terms and instructions will entail the exclusion of the bidder. These packets will not be opened and will be returned to the “Contractor”

5.4 the packets containing the offers and the relevant documentation have to be delivered within 12:00 a.m. of December 03rd 2019, by one of the following means that can be chosen by the “Contractor”:

– by post to the “Client” at the following address: Consulate General of Italy – Administration Office – 83-86 Farringdon Street – London EC4A 4BL.

– by hand, from 09.30 to 15.30 daily excluding weekends and public holidays (a receipt will be provided)

5.5 in order to demonstrate the delivery within the terms, only the receipt stamp on the packet by the Consulate Embassy will be considered valid.

5.6 The offer and the related documents should be written in English.

5.7 Offers containing alternatives, conditions or multiple offers will be excluded.

6. – Content of the envelopes

6.1 Envelope “A – Administrative Documents” must contain the following documents:

a) Attachment 3, in which the “Contractor” self-certifies the absence of exclusion reasons and fully accepts, with no exception, the dispositions and conditions of this letter and it’s Attachments;

b) The “Contractor’s” assurance to keep a 180 day validity of the offer;

c) The mandatory inspection receipt.

6.1.2 In case of lack, of incompleteness and of any other essential irregularity in the elements requested at paragraph 6.1., the Consulate General will provide a maximum ten days allowance to the Contractor to submit, integrate or regulate the required declarations.

6.2 Envelope “B – Technical Offer”

6.2.1 In the Envelope “B – Technical Offer” the Contractor shall submit:

a) his best technical offer with respect to the minimal conditions set in Section 1 of Attachment 2 (technical specifications of the tender and eventual special evaluation criteria) ;

b) up to 3 (three) letters of reference by foreign missions in UK for each of the services requested.

6.2.2 Notwithstanding the respect of the minimal conditions set in Section 1 of Attachment 2, the score will be calculated on the base of the evaluation grid provided in Section 2 of Attachment 2.

6.2.3 The offer should contain the name of the Contractor and be signed by the legal representative or procurer with a copy of a valid id document of the signee.

6.2.4 The technical offer with the description of the procedural arrangements, of operational and organizational techniques that are to be adopted in the execution of the service and Human and instrumental resources employed for the service, organization chart.

6.3 Envelope “C – Economic Offer”

6.3.1 In the Envelope “C – Economic Offer” the Contractor shall submit his best economic offer with respect to the required service.

6.2.2 The economic offers cannot exceed the amount mentioned as tender budget.

6.3.3 The offer should contain the name of the Contractor and be signed by the legal representative or procurer with a copy of a valid id document of the signee.

7. – Opening and evaluation of the offers

7.1 The envelopes will be opened by a nominated Selection Board on 04/12/2019 at 10,00 am, during a public session taking place at the Consulate’s headquarters. The dates of subsequent public sessions will be sent, with 5 days advance notice to the e-mail address provided by the bidders.

7.2 Only representatives of the bidders will be admitted to the sessions.

7.3 The Selection Board will verify the integrity and formal correctness of the parcels received and the existence and formal correctness of the documentation, as indicated in these specifications.

All tendering operations shall take place in public session, with the exception of, without prejudice to the publicity or outcome of individual proceedings:

– A detailed analysis of the specific content of the declarations of the administrative documentation submitted by each competitor, as well as its compliance with the requirements of this invitation.

– Of any preliminary assistance procedure pursuant to art. 83, paragraph 9 of Legislative Decree 50/2016;

– Of the meetings of the Selection Board for the evaluation of the technical offer:

– Of the session of the Selection Board dedicated to the mere performance of calculations, according to the formulas set out in Attachment 2 Section 2;

– Any meetings to verify the anomaly of the tenders.

8. – Transfer of the Contract and Sub-contracting

8.1 It is forbidden to the Contractor to transfer, completely or in part, the signed contract.

8.2 Eventual Sub-contracting of partial services cannot exceed two per cent of the total value of the contract.

8.3 In case of Sub-contracting:

a) the main Contractor remains completely responsible toward the Client for the entire contract;

b) the Contractor will indicate in his offer the eventual parts of the service that he intends to sub-contract and the names of the proposed sub-contractors;

c) the Sub-contractor should possess the requirements specified in this invitation to tender with reference to the service object of sub-contracting;

d) the Contractor accepts that the Client might transfer directly the payments due to the sub-contractor for the serviced provided by him for this tender;

e) the Contractor specifically accepts to change the sub-contractors for whom exclusion clauses arise.

9. – Surety for the correct execution of the contract

9.1 The successful Contractor has to submit, as guarantee to the correct fulfilment of the contract, a suitable Bank or Insurance Surety for the (ten per cent) of the contract value. The Surety has to contain the declared waiver of the benefit of a prior foreclosure on the main debtor, valid within 15 days of the request of the Client.

9.2 The Client reserves the right to foreclose the Surety in case of fraud or default caused by the Contractor.

9.3 the Surety can be gradually released according to the advancement of the contract, with a limit up to eighty per cent of the amount guaranteed. The remaining amount shall be released further to the regular completion of the contract.

10. – Clarifications

10.1 Prospective information or clarifications should be submitted to the Consulate General in due time, at least 10 (ten) days prior to the offer presentation deadline and can be made to the following e-mail addresses:

10.2 The Consulate General will reply at the latest 5 (five) days before the offer presentation deadline sending to the requiring Contractor an e-mail with all the questions received and the corresponding answers.

11 – Personal data protection

11.1 The Consulate General guarantees protection of personal data provided by the Contractor as per current GDPR regulation 2016/679 in regards to personal data processing as per details of Attachment 4.

11.2 By signing Attachment 4, the Economic Operator agrees on the personal data processing by the Consulate General, including the verifications as per paragraph 3.2.

12. – Applicable standards

12.1 The procedure for selecting the Contractor is governed by Italian law.

London, 25 October 2019


The Officer in charge of the procedure

Tony Mori

Attachments 1,2,3 and 4