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On Reflection: 700 years of Dante Alighieri

As this year marks the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri, On Reflection is a commemorative exhibition curated by Tess Tomassini, included in the promotional activity of the Italian Institutional System – called “Vivere all’Italiana” – of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. With each of the artists reflecting on what Dante means to them and what his writing can tell us 700 years on, this exhibition will showcase both well established and up and coming artists. The exhibition will include a display by Alighieri Jewellery, stills from a choreography from theRoyal Ballet’s Valentino Zucchetti, Leonardo Frigo’s etchings, and an installation by Anne Ryan.

With works from Amelie Peace, Alex Heard,Andrew Childs, Luci Eyers,Nell Brookfield, Nour El Saleh,Sofia Silva,Sarah Pickstone, Tancredi di Carcaciand Tess Tomassini, the exhibition will offer exciting, fresh perspectives on Dante and will highlight the importance of having a continuous dialogue with the past.

Also included in the exhibition will be the artwork from a workshop Tess Tomassini ran with the HVH Arts Foundation, teaching children about Dante and making art in response to his imagery. A percentage of proceeds from the exhibition will be donated to the HVH Arts Foundation and the Open Door Community Kitchen.

Tess Tomassini is an artist, living in London. She assisted in the curation of La Riscoperta di un Capolavoro, Bologna in 2020. She also helped write and translate the catalogue: The Aura in the Age of Digital Materiality. She has a degree in Philosophy and Italian from the University of Edinburgh and recently completed the foundation year at the Royal Drawing School.

Free Entry from Mon to Fri 1-6pm. More information here