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Information on re-acquisition of Italian citizenship by residence in Italy, for those who lost it due to acquisition of another citizenship before 16th August 1992 and women married to a British citizen after 01.01.1949

Italians who voluntarily acquired another citizenship, by naturalisation or by marriage, before 16th August 1992, automatically lost their Italian citizenship.

They can re-acquire it automatically, without losing the other citizenship, by establishing their permanent residence in Italy for at least one year (law n.91/1992, art. 13, letter d). No declaration is necessary in this case. The re-acquisition of Italian citizenship comes into effect the day after the applicant has been permanently resident in Italy and registered with the Registry Office (Anagrafe).

Upon request, applicants can submit a formal declaration of willingness to re-acquire Italian citizenship to the Consular Office responsible for the district where they live. Such declaration is valid for one year and the applicant will have to move to Italy and establish their long-term residence there within 12 months from the date of issue (law n. 91/1992, art. 13, letter c).

In this case, the applicant should contact the Citizenship Office directly via email (, to gather information on appointment, documents and payment required.

The request should specify:

  • Name, surname, place and date of birth of the applicant;
  • Applicant’s address and proof of residence in the United Kingdom;
  • How and when the applicant acquired the citizenship which resulted in the loss of Italian citizenship in the first place.