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Change of address

I am registered with AIRE at the Consulate in London and I have changed my address within the same Consular district, what should I do?

The new online portal (Fast It) service to communicate the change of address within the same Consular catchment area is now active. This service is only available for those citizens who have already received an AIRE registration confirmation.

Please note: Any information concerning the actual AIRE registration must be requested exclusively to the Italian town hall, which is responsible of the actual updating of the AIRE registers (and NOT the Consulate’s). No information can therefore be provided in this regard, as it is an exclusive competence of the municipalities.

Before starting the online procedure, please make sure that you have a printer and scanner, and you have read carefully the instructions on the home page of the online form, as well as the FAQs available at the following LINK click here

  1. I have submitted my AIRE application through the Fast it portal and the current status of the request is: ‘Richiesta inviata al Comune ’. Now I want to communicate my change of address within the London Consulate catchment area. What should I do?
    1. Register on Fast It (
    2. Click above on ‘ANAGRAFE CONSOLARE E AIRE’
    3. Click on ‘“Comunicare la variazione della propria residenza”;
    4. Click at the bottom of the page “Richiedere il servizio”.
  2. I have submitted my AIRE application using different procedures from Fast IT ( email, post, etc.), before September 1st 2019, and I have received a confirmation. How do I communicate my new address?
    1. Register on Fast It
    2. Request the ”Associazione Online’ by clicking on “ANAGRAFE CONSOLARE E AIRE’-> “Comunicare la variazione della propria residenza”. The system will ask you to attach an ID document which will be submitted directly to our office.
    3. Login to Fast It
    4. Click above on: ‘ANAGRAFE CONSOLARE E AIRE’
    5. Click on the third option: “Comunicare la variazione della propria residenza”
    6. Click at the bottom of the page ‘’Richiedere il servizio’’