Ultimo aggiornamento 10.10.2024
07.06.2024 Sponsorship public notice for “Italy Run London” 22 sep 2024
22.03.2023 Notice of tender procurement awarding (CIG 96215702BE)
13.02.2023 Avviso di sponsorizzazione della festa della Repubblica
07.12.2022 Exploratory notice for the acquisition of display of interest in participating to the negotiation process ex art. 36 comma 2, d.lgs 50/2016 below eu threshold, for the appointment of a contractor for maintenance services of mechanical/air conditioning/heating/fresh air supply equipment/electric/water plumbing and drainage systems services for year 2023, (01.02.2023 – 01.02.2024)
18.10.2022 Display of interest of parties for the award of replacement, installation and commissioning of new gas suppression system including the disposal of old one, commissioning, piping and builders work in the basement of the Consulate General of Italy
31.03.2022 Avviso pubblico di sponsorizzazione della festa della Repubblica 2022
15.03.2022 Exploratory notice for printing electoral papers
15.03.2022 Notice of tender procurement awarding – CIG 9089327DE9
03.02.2022 Tender to participate to an open procedure for the supply of Temporary Workers to the Consulate General of Italy in London – CIG 9089327DE9
09.12.2021 Exploratory notice for the acquisition of display of interest in participating to the negotiation process ex art.36 comma 2, lett. A, d.lgs 50/2016 below EU threshold, for the appointment of a contractor for professional coaching for upskilling project for Italian citizens currently unemployed or in furlough
07.10.2021 Avviso di pre-informazione – esternalizzazione di servizi relativi allo svolgimento di attività ausiliarie al rilascio di visti d’ingresso
06.10.2021 Exploratory notice for the acquisition of display of interest in participating to the negotiation process ex art. 36 comma 2, D.lgs 50/2016 below EU threshold, for the appointment of a contractor for maintenance services of mechanical/air conditioning/heating/fresh air supply equipment/electric/water plumbing and drainage systems services for year 2022, (01.02.2022 – 01.02.2023)
09.09.2021 Exploratory notice for the acquisition of displays of interest to participate in the negotiation process ex art. 36 comma 2, D.lgs 50/2016 for the appointment of a contract for a printing and mailing service on the occasion of a local Italian election that will take place in December 2021 – CIG ZDB32FB279
06.09.2021 Avviso di esito gara/Notice of tender procurement awarding – CIG 8875792743
06.09.2021 Avviso di esito gara/Notice of tender procurement awarding – CIG Z5E30DD6C6
21.06.2021 Avvenuta selezione di un operatore economico per la realizzazione di un programma di riqualificazione professionale nel settore del marketing digitale, pubblicata in data 07.05.2021
12.05.2021 Notice of market research – Display of interest of parties for the assignment of supply, installation and commissioning of new chiller unit, this will include removal and disposal of the existing unit, building and plumbing works
12.05.2021 Notice of market research – Display of interest of parties for the assignment of supply of gas pipework supply, installation and commissioning of new gas pipework, this will include removal and disposal of the existing installation, building and plumbing works
07.05.2021 Exploratory notice for the acquisition of display of interest in participating to the negotiation process ex art.36 c.2, D.lgs 50/2016 below EU threshold, for the appointment of a contractor for professional training for Italian citizens currently unemployed or in furlough
15.03.2021 Avviso di esito gara/Notice of tender procurement awarding – CIG 8588891113
19.01.2021 Invitation to participate to an open procedure for the supply of Temporary Workers to the Consulate General of Italy in London – CIG 8588891113
07.01.2021 Avviso di aggiudicazione procedura CIG 85636774757
10.12.2020 Notice of market research. Display of interest of parties for the assignment of construction and fit-out works at the Consulate General of ItalyNotice of market research. Display of interest of parties for the assignment of construction and fit-out works at the Consulate General of Italy
18.11.2020 Exploratory notice for the acquisition of display of interest to the negotiation for the appointment of a contractor for professional training for Italian citizens currently unemployed or in furlough
09.11.2020 Exploratory notice for the acquisition of display of interest in participating to the negotiation process ex art. 36 comma 2,D.Lgs 50/2016 below EU threshold, for the appointment of a contractor for building maintenance services for year 2021