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Consular fees

The payment is possible only by british debit-card (No cash, no contactless, no ApplePay, no GooglePay or others) and only for morning appointments.
So please bring with you british debit card and PIN number.
For each debit card transaction, a £ 0,50 fee will apply.
N.B.: the above-mentioned procedure does NOT apply to MARRIAGE BANNS.
Consular fees change every three months (1st of April-July-October-January) due to exchange rates.
If you are using the consular services of the passport office by post during this period:
  • 15-31 March;
  • 15-30 June;
  • 15-30 September;
  • 15-31 December.

Please buy the Postal Order with the new fee.




Postal charges:

  • for a UK address, please send A4 stamped self addressed envelope (1st class or Special Delivery).

Payment of consular fees + postal charges:

  • from the UK only: Postal Order made out to “Consolato Generale d’Italia”.




Issue – worldwide £ 98.30 £ 96.80
Emergency fee (not valid for postal passports) art. 74 £ 42.40 £ 41.70
ETD – Emergency Travel Document £ 1.40 £ 1.30
Civil Status Certificate (certificate proving one’s marital status) art. 2b £ 5.10 £ 5.10
Cumulative Certificate (certificate proving one’s residence, citizenship and unmarried status) art. 8 £ 9.40 £ 12.60
Certificate of Family Status (certificate listing all family members living at the same address) art. 8 £ 9.40 £ 12.60
Certificate confirming personal data (Certificate of  Identity confirmation) art. 8 £ 9.40 £ 12.60
Certificate confirming Marriage Banns (No Impediment Certificate) art. 2c £ 5.10 £ 5.10
Posting of Marriage Banns art. 3 £ 5.10 £ 5.10
Marital Capacity Certificate  (Nulla Osta) art. 2d £ 5.10 £ 5.10
Legalisation of the applicant’s signature art. 24 £ 16.70
Certificate of Consular Registration (AIRE) art. 68 £ 17.00 £ 16.70
Stamp Duty NAA (Decrees and Change of Name/Surname Application) £ 13.60 £ 0.00*


Citizenship certificate art. 4a

art. NAA

£ 9.40

£ 13.60

£ 9.20

£ 0.00*

Application for Italian citizenship by descent AND
marriage to an Italian man before 1983
art. 7bis £ 253.90 £ 500.40
Application for Italian citizenship by marriage

Legalisation of the applicant’s signature

art. NAA

art. 24

£ 13.60

£ 11.90

£ 0.00*

£ 16.70

Conformity of English translation into Italian art. 72a £ 11.10 per sheet £ 10.90 per sheet
Certified copy art. 71 £ 8.50 per sheet £ 8.40 per sheet
Declaration of renouncement to the Italian citizenship art. 4b

art. NAA

£ 34.70

£ 13.60

£ 41.70

£ 0.00*

Request of refund for the application of citizenship by marriage art. NAA £ 13.60 £ 0.00*
Oath of allegiance art. 8 £ 12.60
Issue of the Electronic ID Card art. 28c £ 18.70 £ 18.50
Duplicate in case of theft/loss/deterioration of the Electronic ID Card art. 28d £ 23.10 £ 22.80
Declaration of value art. 66n £ 34.70 £ 41.70
Certified translation of the degree certificate into Italian art. 72a £ 11.10 per sheet £ 10.90 per sheet
Certified photocopy art. 71 £ 8.50 per sheet £ 8.40 per sheet
Consular certificate art. 66n £ 34.70 £ 41.70
General power of attorney art. 17a £ 67.80 £ 75.10
General power of attorney ad litem art. 17b £ 67.80 £ 75.10
Confirmation, amendment, revocation of a general power of attorney art. 17c £ 67.80 £ 75.10
Special power of attorney art. 18a £ 47.40 £ 50.10
Special mandate with or without representation art. 18b £ 47.40 £ 50.10
Confirmation, amendment, revocation of a special power of attorney art. 18d £ 47.40 £ 50.10
Parental authorisation to travel for children under 10 accompanied by a third partyLegalisation of a signature as a private deed art. 19 £ 17.00 £ 16.70
Legalisation of a signature as a private deed art. 24 £ 11.90 £ 16.70
Legalisation of a signature on a statutory declaration art. 24 £ 11.90 £ 16.70
Renunciation of inheritance art. 26 £ 23.70 per sheet £ 23.40 per sheet
Sworn statement art. 26 £ 23.70 per sheet £ 23.40 per sheet
Certificate of endorsement

Acts not set out in articles 39 to 55 of section 6



£ 15.10 £ 1.50


Requests to the Consular authority art. 31a £ 9.40 £ 9.20
Order by consular authority whilst acting as judge supervising a guardianship art. 31b £ 9.40 £ 9.20
Vessel dispatch art. 39 free of charge free of charge
Acts not set out in articles 39 to 55 of section 6 art. 55 £ 21.20 per act £ 29.20 per act
Legalisation of a photograph art. 66b £ 34.70 £ 41.70
Temporary firearms permit art. 66c £ 34.70 £ 41.70
Legalisation of acts art. 69 £ 20.40 £ 20.10
Full or extract of notary act/deed art. 25 £ 13.60 £ 13.40
Certified copy art. 71 £ 8.50 per sheet £ 8.40 per sheet
Certificate confirming that a translation into Italian complies with its English original art. 72a £ 11.10 per sheet £ 10.90 per sheet
Certificate confirming that a translation into English complies with its Italian original art. 72c £ 17.00 per sheet £ 16.70 per sheet
Renewal of driving license – Italian citizens / EU citizens
art. 66d £ 34.70 £ 41.70
NAA £ 13.60 £ 0.00*
Renewal of driving license – Non EU citizens
art. 66d £ 34.70 £ 41.70
NAA £ 13.60 £ 0.00*
art. 24 £ 11.90 £ 16.70
(*) Repealed co.2 art. 4 d.lgs. 139/2024
Fees in GB pounds valid from 1/1/2025 (for the entire list click here).