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European Passport Return Service (EPRS)

A seguito degli interventi effettuati dall’Ambasciata d’Italia a Londra, lo United Kingdom Visa & Immigration Office (UKVI) ha comunicato che i cittadini UE che intendano presentare domanda di documenti attestanti la residenza nel Regno Unito possono farlo online utilizzando il servizio European Passport Return Service (EPRS).

In tal modo essi potranno portare il loro documento d’identità (assieme agli altri documenti richiesti dal UKVI) ad una delle 46 Local Authorities o Premium service centres (a Belfast e Glasgow) che controlleranno il documento d’identità, facendone una copia e lo restituiranno immediatamente all’interessato.

Ad ogni buon fine, seguono le indicazioni pervenute dal UKVI:

European passport return service

The European passport return service is provided by local authorities or nominated premium service centre.

A participating local authority can photocopy your EEA or Swiss passport and forward a copy along with your checklist and application to the Home Office on your behalf. Your passport will then be available for you to use while your application is being processed.
Alternatively, you can make an appointment and take your passport and documents to the premium service centre in Belfast or Glasgow.

The service is available by appointment only and you must attend your appointment within 5 working days of submitting your online form. The service fee can be obtained by contacting the local authority who will also confirm times appointments are available.

The Home Office may contact you for further information after your application has been submitted.

Using the European passport return service does not guarantee the success of the application and the local authority cannot provide any advice. This service will not ensure that your form has been correctly completed and correct supporting documents submitted.

European passport return service: England
European passport return service: Greater London
European passport return service: Wales
European passport return service: Glasgow and Belfast (premium service centres)

Customers who have submitted paper applications and posted passports are advised not to book travel whilst their passport is with UKVI. These customers can request the return of their passport via the website and UKVI will endeavour to return them as soon as possible although this may take longer at times of peak demand.

Customers experiencing any difficulties can call our European enquiries line on 0300 123 2253. This service is available Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm and Friday, 9am to 4:30pm.

Alternatively, further information is available on GOV.UK at EU, EEA, Commonwealth citizens.

La notizia è consultabile anche sul sito dell’Ambasciata d’Italia a Londra, al link: