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Anagrafe degli Italiani residenti all’estero (AIRE)


Registering in the AIRE (Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero – Register of Italians Living Abroad) is a duty, as well as a right, of each Italian national who resides, or intends to reside abroad for a period longer than 12 months. This administrative procedure is FREE OF CHARGE and entitles Italian nationals to:

  • Vote for general (not regional) elections and referenda in the country of residence;
  • Request the issue or the renewal of identity and travel documents, as well as a number of certificates;
  • Update their address abroad;
  • Notify any changes in civil status occurred abroad (birth, marriage, divorce, change of name and surname and death).

Law No. 213 of 30 December 2023, that came into force on 1 January 2024, introduces administrative sanctions for Italians living abroad who are not registered in the AIRE. It provides that the relevant Town Hall (Comune) in Italy can impose a fine of €200 up to a maximum of €1,000 per person for each year of non-registration in the AIRE and up to a maximum of 5 years.

These administrative sanctions cannot be retroactive. Therefore, no one may be penalised for the period prior to 1 January 2024.

Ascertaining noncompliance and imposing the penalty is the sole responsibility of the Town Hall (Comune).

The law states that the AIRE registration is mandatory for all Italian nationals who:

  • Transfer their residence abroad for a period of over 12 months;
  • Live abroad, either because they were born abroad, or because they acquired Italian citizenship on whatever grounds.

The law provides that the following categories of persons shall NOT register in the AIRE:

  • Italian nationals who move abroad for a period of less than 12 months;
  • Seasonal workers;
  • Diplomatic or consular employees of the Italian Government posted abroad, including cohabiting family members and dependents;
  • Members of the Italian Armed Forces on duty at NATO offices and facilities located abroad, including cohabiting family members and dependents.

Italian nationals must submit their AIRE registration requests within 90 days of their arrival in the foreign country and NOT after 12 months of residence abroad.

They may also submit their application at a later date, but it will not have retroactive effect.

Italian nationals NOT yet registered in the AIRE can submit a SINGLE change of residence request from the Town Hall (Comune) of last residence in Italy to the new address abroad for themselves and any cohabiting family members (even if they are not Italian). Applications can be submitted to the Consulate only using the Fast It portal, which is completely free of charge and is available in Italian and other languages.

The procedure can be completed entirely online and includes the steps shown in the following flowchart.

-> Applicant should:

  • Access the Fast It portal and click on the “Registration” button to create a personal account;
  • Enter an email address / password as well as their personal information (SURNAME(S), given name(s), place and date of birth) exactly as it appears on the identity documents issued by the Italian authorities, avoiding additions, omissions of any surname(s), given name(s), accent(s) and apostrophe(s), failing which the request will be rejected;
  • Select “Regno Unito” (i.e., United Kingdom in Italian) and the new City / Town of residence abroad as shown on the correspondence received (i.e., London rather than Londra; Croydon rather than London / Londra; etc.) to find the relevant Consulate;
  • Click on the link received in the confirmation email sent to the email address provided to activate the new Fast It account;
  • Log in again to the Fast It portal using the login credentials just set up or the SPID credentials;
  • Click on “Consular Register and AIRE” at the top of the page and then on “Request the registration in the Registry of Italian citizens residing abroad (AIRE)”;
  • Complete the registration process, upload the supporting documents and submit the application;
  • Check the automatic message confirming “Application submitted successfully” and showing the application reference number and the current status of the request is: “Submitted”.

-> Consulate will:

  • Verify that the personal information entered matches that shown on the identity documents;
  • Verify that the address entered matches the one shown on the proof of residence and check if all supporting documents are uploaded;
  • Register in the Consular database the applicant and any Italian and non-Italian cohabiting family members listed in the request;
  • Send the AIRE registration request to the competent Town Hall (Comune) and forward a copy of the communication to the email address provided.

->  Town Hall (Comune) will:

  • Update its population and electoral registers. This will entail the automatic de-registration of the entire household (Italian and non-Italian members) from its APR (Anagrafe della Popolazione Residente – Register of the Resident Population) and the concurrent registration of the applicant and other cohabiting Italian members of the family in its AIRE (Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero – Register of Italians Living Abroad);
  • Confirm the AIRE registration through a notification usually sent to the email address provided.

Please click here for a video tutorial showing the registration process

->  Follow the instructions below:

  • Fill in applicant’s personal information (SURNAME(S), given name(s), place and date of birth) exactly as it appears on the identity documents issued by the Italian authorities, avoiding additions, omissions of any surname(s), given name(s), accent(s) and apostrophe(s), failing which the request will be rejected;
  • Select the correct Town Hall (Comune) of last residence in Italy rather than the province (i.e. Settimo Milanese (MI) rather than Milano; Marino (RM) rather than Roma; Portici (NA) rather than Napoli);
  • Copy the residence address exactly as it appears on the proof of address uploaded (i.e. London rather than Londra; Croydon rather than London/Londra; etc.) and follow the UK postal guidelines (house number, followed by street name, town / city and postcode in 2 blocks).

->  Upload the supporting documents:

  1. AIRE registration form – generated by Fast It upon completion of the online process – that can be digitally signed or printed, hand-signed, scanned and then ALL pages uploaded to the portal;
  2. Copy of the pages of the identity documents issued by the Italian or foreign authorities where the personal details of the applicant and each Italian and non-Italian cohabiting family member appear;
  3. Proof of address, that is one copy of a piece of correspondence received at your address proving residence in the London Consular district. The proof of address must be recent (issued within the last 3 months) and must clearly show the applicant’s name and current address.

A non-exhaustive list of accepted documents as proof of address includes:

  • Council Tax or rental agreement;
  • Bank statement (only the page with name and address);
  • Utility bills (electricity, gas, phone, internet, TV, etc (only the page with name and address);
  • UK driving licence (Full or Provisional);
  • Letter confirming NHS registration, NIN, University confirmation of enrolment;
  • An official letter issued by a UK Government Office (Job Centre, HMRC, etc.)

The following documents are NOT valid proof of address for the AIRE registration:

  • Documents proving the pre / settled status (EUSS) as they do not include an address;
  • Self-certifications (Legislative Decree 223/2012).

->  Flowchart for the swift processing of the application


Updating AIRE data is the responsibility of all AIRE registered nationals. These updates concern all life events that entail changes in personal data. They are important as they allow Italian nationals to continue to have access to consular services and the Town Hall (Comune) to regularly manage and keep an updated AIRE registry.

Failure to update the AIRE information, particularly in regard to change of address, makes any contact between the Consulate and Italian nationals unfeasible. Moreover, this could result in the election postcard or electoral pack during elections, or indeed any communications from the Italian authorities, as well as notifications from the Consulate, failing to reach the addressees. Finally, it might result in the de-registration from the AIRE registry because their whereabouts were unknown.

All AIRE registered nationals can submit a SINGLE application to update the residence address for the entire household. Applications can be submitted to the Consulate only via the Fast It portal, which is completely free of charge and is available in Italian and other languages.

The procedure can be completed entirely online and includes the steps shown in the following flowchart.

->  Applicant should:

  • Log in to the Fast It portal using the Fast It login credentials or the SPID credentials;
  • Click on “Consular Register and AIRE” button at the top of the page and then on “Notify the change of address”;
  • Complete the update process, upload the supporting documents and submit the application;
  • Check the automatic message confirming “Application submitted successfully” and showing the application reference number and the current status of the request is: Submitted.

->  Consulate will:

  • Verify that the address entered matches the one shown on the proof of residence and check if all supporting documents are uploaded;
  • Update existing records in the Consular database for the applicant and any Italian and non-Italian cohabiting family members listed in the request;
  • Send the AIRE update request to the competent Town Hall (Comune) and forward a copy of the communication to the email address provided.

->  Town Hall (Comune) will:

  • Update the records in its AIRE and electoral registers for the applicant and any Italian cohabiting family members listed in the request;
  • Confirm the AIRE update through a notification usually sent to the email address provided by the applicant.

->  Follow the instructions below:

  • Copy the residence address exactly as it appears on the proof of address uploaded (i.e. London rather than Londra; Croydon rather than London/Londra; etc.) and follow the UK postal guidelines (house number, followed by street name, town / city and postcode in 2 blocks);
  • Select the correct Town Hall (Comune) of last residence in Italy rather than the province (i.e. Settimo Milanese (MI) rather than Milano; Marino (RM) rather than Roma; Portici (NA) rather than Napoli).

->  Upload the supporting documents:

  1. AIRE update form – generated by Fast It upon completion of the online process – that can be digitally signed or printed, hand-signed, scanned and then ALL pages uploaded to the portal;
  2. Copy of the page of the identity document issued by the Italian authorities where the personal details of the applicant appear;
  3. Proof of address, that is a copy of a piece of correspondence received at your address proving residence in the London Consular district. The proof of address must be recent (issued within the last 3 months) and must clearly show applicant’s name and current address.

A non-exhaustive list of accepted documents as proof of address includes:

    • Council Tax or rental agreement;
    • Bank statement (only the page with name and address);
    • Utility bills (electricity, gas, phone, internet, TV, etc (only the page with name and address);
    • UK driving licence (Full or Provisional);
    • Letter confirming NHS registration, NIN, University confirmation of enrolment;
    • An official letter issued by a UK Government Office (Job Centre, HMRC, etc.)

The following documents are NOT valid proof of residence for the AIRE registration:

    • Documents proving the pre / settled status (EUSS) as they do not show the residential address;
    • Self-certifications (Legislative Decree 223/2012).

->  Flowchart for the swift processing of the application



Updating AIRE data is the responsibility of all AIRE registered nationals. These updates concern all life events that entail changes in personal data. They are important as they allow Italian nationals to continue to have access to consular services and the Town Hall (Comune) to regularly manage and keep an updated AIRE register.

Failure to update the AIRE information, particularly in regard to change of address, makes any contact between the Consulate and Italian nationals unfeasible. Moreover, this could result in the election postcard or electoral pack during elections, or indeed any communications from the Italian authorities, as well as notifications from the Consulate, failing to reach the addressees. Finally, it might result in the de-registration from the AIRE register because their whereabouts were unknown.

All AIRE registered nationals can submit a SINGLE application to update the residence address for the entire household. Applications can be submitted to the Consulate only via the Fast It portal, which is completely free of charge and is available in Italian and other languages.

The procedure can be completed entirely online and includes the steps shown in the following flowchart.

->  Applicant should:

  • Log in to the Fast It portal using the Fast It login credentials or the SPID credentials;
  • Cancel any pending request;
  • Click on “Consular Register and AIRE” button at the top of the page and then on “Notify the change of address”;
  • Select “Regno Unito” (United Kingdom in Italian) and the new City / Town of residence abroad as shown on the received correspondence (i.e., London rather than Londra; Croydon rather than London/Londra; etc.). A pop-up alert will inform of the change of Consular district and prompt the confirmation to automatically start the process of transfer to the new Consular district;
  • Should the portal not allow the applicant to proceed, cancel the Fast-It account associated to the previous Consulate and follow the steps detailed in point 1.5;
  • Complete the update process, upload the supporting documents and submit the application;
  • Check the automatic message confirming “Application submitted successfully” and showing the application reference number and the current status of the request is: Submitted.

->  New Consulate will:

  • Verify that the personal information entered matches that shown on the identity documents;
  • Verify that the address entered matches the one shown on the proof of residence and check if all supporting documents are uploaded;
  • Register in the Consular database the applicant and any Italian and non-Italian cohabiting family members listed in the request;
  • Send the AIRE update request to the competent Town Hall (Comune) and forward a copy of the communication to the email address provided by the applicant.

->  Town Hall (Comune) will:

  • Update the records in its AIRE and electoral registers for the applicant and any Italian cohabiting family members listed in the request;
  • Confirm the AIRE update through a notification usually sent to the email address provided by the applicant.

->  Follow the instructions below:

  • Fill in personal information (SURNAME(S), given name(s), place and date of birth) exactly as it appears on the identity documents issued by the Italian authorities, avoiding additions, omissions of any surname(s), given name(s), accent(s) and apostrophe(s), failing which the request will be rejected;
  • Select the correct Town Hall (Comune) of last residence in Italy rather than the province (i.e., Settimo Milanese (MI) rather than Milano; Marino (RM) rather than Roma; Portici (NA) rather than Napoli);
  • Copy the residence address exactly as it appears on the proof of address uploaded (i.e., London rather than Londra; Croydon rather than London/Londra; etc.) and follow the UK postal guidelines (house number, followed by street name, town/city and postcode in 2 blocks).

->  Upload the supporting documents:

  1. AIRE registration form – generated by Fast It upon completion of the online process – that can be digitally signed or printed, hand signed, scanned and then ALL pages uploaded to the portal;
  2. Copy of the pages of the identity documents issued by the Italian or foreign authorities where the personal details of the applicant and each Italian and non-Italian cohabiting family member appear;
  3. Proof of address, that is one copy of a piece of correspondence received at your address proving residence in the London Consular district. The proof of address must be recent (issued within the last 3 months) and must clearly show applicant’s name and current address.

A non-exhaustive list of accepted documents as proof of address includes:

    • Council Tax or rental agreement;
    • Bank statement (only the page with name and address);
    • Utility bills (electricity, gas, phone, internet, TV, etc (only the page with name and address);
    • UK driving licence (Full or Provisional);
    • Letter confirming NHS registration, NIN, University confirmation of enrolment;
    • An official letter issued by a UK Government Office (Job Centre, HMRC, etc.)

The following documents are NOT valid proof of residence for the AIRE registration:

    • Documents proving the pre / settled status (EUSS) as they do not show the residential address;
    • Self-certifications (Legislative Decree 223/2012).

->  Flowchart for the swift processing of the application of transfer to the London Consular district



The AIRE registration is completed by the Registry Officer in Italy at the same time as the birth registration. The Town Hall (Comune) will inform the relevant Consulate to update the Consular database and add the minor’s personal information to the household already residing in the UK.

Minor children of an Italian national are automatically Italian. The AIRE registration is normally completed at the same time as the foreign birth registration with the authorities in Italy.

AIRE registered nationals residing within the London Consular district can find the relevant information on the webpage of the Registry Office in London.

If the foreign birth certificate has already been registered in Italy without prior involvement of the Consular office, a copy of the full registration certificate called “estratto per riassunto dell’atto di nascita” must be uploaded to the Fast It portal together with the supporting documents requested for the AIRE registration.

To register in the AIRE Italian minors cohabiting with only one non-Italian parent, please contact the relevant office at the email address for the procedure to follow and the list of required documents to submit.


The Fast It portal automatically provides updates on the requests that can fall into one the following categories:

  • Incomplete: the request is incomplete and waiting to be submitted by clicking the “Send application” button;
  • Submitted: the application has been successfully entered into the system but it has not been processed yet;
  • Processing: the application is being processed;
  • Pending: the request has been returned to the applicant who must submit it again within 30 days with the corrections and/or the additional missing documents requested;
  • Defined: the request has been registered in the Consular database;
  • Sent to the Town Hall: the request has been forwarded to the competent Town Hall (Comune) that usually confirms the AIRE registration / update through a notification sent to the applicant’s email address;
  • Expired: the request returned to the applicant and marked as pending (see above) has not been resubmitted within 30 days with the corrections and/or the additional missing documents requested. Therefore, the request is no longer valid and a new application must be submitted online;
  • Rejected: the request is rejected when the applicant’s residence address falls within the jurisdiction of another Consulate or the applicant is not an Italian national.

AIRE requests take effect from the date a duly filled application and complete supporting documentation is received by the territorially competent Consulate. AIRE requests may be summitted at any time, but the effective date cannot be retroactive.

The request is:

  • Validated in the first instance: the application is duly filled and supporting documentation is complete. The effective date of the AIRE request corresponds to the date of submission to the Consulate through the Fast It portal.
  • Validated after review: a duly filled application and complete supporting documentation is resubmitted within 30 days with the requested corrections and/or additional missing documents. The effective date of the AIRE request corresponds to the date of first submission to the Consulate through the Fast It portal.

Due to the increasing number of applications submitted to this Consular district, the expected processing time of the requests is as follows:

  • First AIRE registration / transfer from another Consular district: up to 6 weeks;
  • AIRE update: up to 2 weeks.


AIRE registered nationals who intend to permanently return to Italy must notify the Town Hall (Comune) where they have decided to settle of the repatriation for themselves and any Italian and non-Italian cohabiting family members.

In case of repatriation of the entire household, the application can be submitted by any adult family member. Repatriation concerning minors must be notified by the person exercising parental authority or an appointed guardian.

The effective date of the repatriation corresponds to the date the request is submitted to the Town Hall (Comune).

->  Applicant should:

  • Notify the repatriation for themselves and any cohabiting family member (both Italian and non-Italian) by submitting the request in person at the Comune (Town Hall) where they intend to establish their residence. Alternatively, they can submit their repatriation request online through the ANPR

->  Town Hall (Comune) will:

  • Verify the actual residence at the new home address notified;
  • Update its population and electoral registers. This will entail the de-registration of the applicant and any Italian cohabiting family members from its AIRE (Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero – Register of Italians Living Abroad) and the concurrent registration of the entire household (Italian and non-Italian members) in its APR (Anagrafe della Popolazione Residente – Register of the Resident Population);
  • Notify the Consulate of previous jurisdiction of the personal data of the Italian nationals repatriated and the effective date of their repatriation.

->  Consulate will:

  • Register the repatriation and update its consular database.